DomestiKated {101}

With all those pieces flying around in our lives it's fun to unwind and embrace your creative self! Craft ideas, tutorials, helpful hints, tips tricks and maybe even a recipe or two will be here for you, tickled pink to tantalize your creativity!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

DIY Umbrella Drink Wreath

OK, so I should have posted this at the beginning of summer, but hey: better late than never!
I love this fun and super easy little wreath AND I got all the supplies at the dollar store!  It's bright, unique and did I mention easy?!  I think it only took me 10 minutes to put together which included stopping eleventy-billion times to get something for my kiddos. By the way: is it time for school yet?!

Ready? Let's go. You will need:

-1 Pool noodle or foam wreath form
- Tape
- Ribbon
- 3 boxes of umbrella toothpicks

1. If you're using a pool noodle follow this step, other wise skip to step 2. Trim about a foot off your pool noodle and securely tape the ends together, pictured below.  Don't be afraid to use a ton of tape!

2. Tie some ribbon on to the end.  This will mark the top and will be used to hang from your door.

3. Insert umbrellas! You will most likely not use all 3 boxes of umbrellas, however you will need them to make sure you have a good variety of color. Layer your umbrellas as you go around, making sure not to show any of the foam ring, but leave the back flat.

Viola!  See? Cheep and easy doesn't always mean skeezy! Ha! I'm too funny.


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