DomestiKated {101}

With all those pieces flying around in our lives it's fun to unwind and embrace your creative self! Craft ideas, tutorials, helpful hints, tips tricks and maybe even a recipe or two will be here for you, tickled pink to tantalize your creativity!


Monday, November 4, 2013

Today's Top Tip: No towels in your hair!

So I'm a sucker for crazy brilliant tips I find on Pinterest.  HOWEVER some of those tips...well they don't really work.  Pinterest fail meme's are super hilarious but they also make us hesitate from trying any "helpful tips" we find anywhere online.  Well, you need not worry or hesitate anymore!  I have a few things I've tried out that ACTUALLY work, and being that I like you I think I'll share them.  But only once in a while, so don't get greedy!  

Let's get started: DON'T dry your hair with your towel!  Your fibrously fluffy towel frizzes up your hair leaving your mane as fluffy as your towel when it dries.  But how should you dry your hair then? With a *drum roll please*
Finally a use for that entire drawer full of old random t-shirts!

Wet hair + towel = no frizz!
Put the t-shirt hole over your head, then flip your hair upside-down and flip the body of the t-shirt around your hair. Twist the t-shirt-hair burrito, flip it back over your head and tuck it in the back.
Towel turban! 
After your towel turban has done its job at sucking up the extra water in your locks, style as usual but this time with less frizz.
You're welcome ladies.  This Pinterest tip is not a fail!

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