DomestiKated {101}

With all those pieces flying around in our lives it's fun to unwind and embrace your creative self! Craft ideas, tutorials, helpful hints, tips tricks and maybe even a recipe or two will be here for you, tickled pink to tantalize your creativity!


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Inspired: Pickled Onions!

     So my hubby and I actually got to go out on a date the other night and we decided to enjoy our time together at a food truck park.  They had a bar and a bunch of different trucks and no children: fantastic!  We sampled everything but one of our favorites were this Moroccan style truck and a taco truck.  They were AMAZING and inspired me to try making some new food!

First up: Pickled Onions!  

         I know this sounds odd and how in the world could I be inspired to make this?!  WELL.  The Moroccan style truck specialized in freakin' Moroccan inspired  TACOS!  These deliciously different tacos were topped with none other than pickled onions.  The whole taco-thing was great, but it was compiled of many different crafted components and I figured this one was easiest enough to try on my own.

Let me preface this with I'VE NEVER PICKLED ANYTHING IN MY LIFE.
Ok? Right, let's begin!

- 1/2 tsp. Salt
- 1/2 tsp. pepper Pepper
- 1/4 tsp Oregano
- 1 Tbs. Minced Garlic (about 3 minced cloves)
-Distilled white vinegar
-  Medium sized Red Onion
-Bowl and mason jar

1. Slice the onion VERY thin.  If you have a cutting mandolin use it!

2. Combine all ingredients except vinegar. Make sure onions are covered well with spices. *NOTE: all spice amounts are approximate, I kind of just throw it in there!*

3. Stuff the onions in your mason jar and slowly cover with vinegar until all of the onions are submerged.

4.  Let sit in the back of your fridge for a week!  Boom: pickled onions! Easy right?!

Now, this recipe is a combination of a few different pickled onion recipes I research.  I took my favorite components to come up with it so if you decide to change something, go for it: that's what cooking is all about!  Some recipes called for whole spices so they wouldn't come out with the onions after pickling, but I actually like the spice bits floating around.  That, and the spices mostly (but not all) settle to the bottom after a week anyway. 

Please leave any comments or questions below, I'd love to hear them!

Happy Pickling!

Oh and stay tuned to see what we put them on!

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