DomestiKated {101}

With all those pieces flying around in our lives it's fun to unwind and embrace your creative self! Craft ideas, tutorials, helpful hints, tips tricks and maybe even a recipe or two will be here for you, tickled pink to tantalize your creativity!


Friday, December 20, 2013

Sparkle Clause & the 12 Crafts of Christmas: #10, Bottle Cap Key-chain

We are only a few days out from Christmas and last minute gift needs are creeping into your mind! I know it's not exactly holiday-ish, but  I love these easy little stocking stuffers because they're fun and personal: just remember to save your other half's bottle caps! However I can't help you if they're can beer drinkers.  May I introduce #10 on the list:

Bottle Cap Key-chains!

Here's what you'll need:
-Bottle caps
-Key rings and hooks
-A fat nail and scrap wood

1. Like the cork key-chains this is SO easy. First, punch a hole in the bottle cap by nailing a hole through the top with the fat nail and hammer, using the scrap wood to not damage your other surfaces.

2. Attach key hook to cap through the hole then attach that to the key ring and THAT'S IT! Now you have a masculine complement to your feminine cork key-chain!  

Merry Crafting!

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