DomestiKated {101}

With all those pieces flying around in our lives it's fun to unwind and embrace your creative self! Craft ideas, tutorials, helpful hints, tips tricks and maybe even a recipe or two will be here for you, tickled pink to tantalize your creativity!


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Today's Top Tip: Shaving with Baby Oil

I used to be a firm believer in ladies shaving cream.  
Then I realized men's shaving cream was cheaper and just as effective.  THEN I ran out of shaving cream one day and remembered something I saw on Pinterest: using  baby oil instead of shaving cream!  Why not, right?  HOLY MOLY does this option work great!

2 Reasons why shaving with baby oil is awesome: ONE, baby oil gets much closer than shaving cream so your legs are super silky smooth.  TWO, the baby oil keeps your shaver sharp for longer.  Honestly it's just a win-win!

You can even use baby oil gel which may be easier to apply.


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